India’s favourite stunt-based show Khatron Ke Khiladi is all set to make a comeback with its 13th edition that is expected to crank up its danger quotient. Just earlier we had reported that Kundali Bhagya stars, Anjum Fakih and Ruhi Chaturvedi along with popular television actress Anjali Anand have confirmed their names as contestants in the upcoming reality show. Now joining them is yet another television star Arjit Taneja, who was last seen in the popular Star Plus show Banni Chow Home Delivery in a pivotal role.
Arjit Taneja, popularly remembered as Purab from Kumkum Bhagya, will be seen giving the ultimate test of courage on Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 and while he gets ready to witness the thrill of a lifetime, Arjit opened up about participating on the stunt-based show. He said, "I've always been a thrill-seeker and a lover of adventure. Joining Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 is like a dream come true for me. I can't wait to push myself to the limits and face my fears head-on. This show is not just about conquering phobias, it's also about learning more about myself and my capabilities. And hence, I'm ready to take on the challenge and come out victorious!”
Powered with a new theme, Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 is expected to be bigger, bolder, and more daring. The show promises to take the contestants on a journey of conquering their fears as they brace themselves for a nail-biting adventure and showcase their daredevil side. Participants from different walks of life will be facing their worst phobias head-on in this new season that will air soon on Colors. Reports reveal that the show will be hosted by popular filmmaker Rohit Shetty, who has been hosting the past few seasons of the show.
Also Read: Kulfi Kumar Bajewala actress Anjali Anand returns to television with Khatron Ke Khiladi 13
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