Veteran actor Jitu aka Jitendra Shastri has passed away. His contemporary and actor Sanjay Mishra confirmed the same on his social media handle. As he mourned Jitu’s demise, he shared a video post featuring the late actor. In the caption, Mishra wrote, “Jitu brother, had you been around, you would have told me that sometimes a person goes out of network, while his name stays in the cell phone,” in Hindi.
The renowned actor then continued and added, “You are out of the world but will always remain in the network of my mind and heart. Om Shanti @jitu.shastri.7.” Instagrammers took to the comments section and flooded it with “RIP”. Among many others, popular TV actor Sandeep Anand also remembered him and wrote, “A play done in his presence will always be remembered "Uttarpriyadarshi", a wonderful artist irreparable loss,” in Hindi.
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Meanwhile, actor Rajesh Tailang tweeted, “Can’t believe Jitu Bhai is no more, what an amazing actor, what a wonderful human being, amazing sense of humour, got the opportunity to spend time working with him. It was my good fortune. #JitendraShastri Jitu Bhai Regards.”
विश्वास नहीं हो रहा जीतू भाई नहीं रहे, कितने कमाल के अभिनेता, कितने कमाल के इंसान , कमाल का सेंस ऑफ ह्यूमर ,उनके साथ काम करने का, समय बिताने का अवसर मिला, सौभाग्य मेरा। #JitendraShastri जीतू भाई सादर नमन ????????
— Rajesh Tailang (@rajeshtailang) October 15, 2022
For the unversed, Rajesh worked with Jitu in the popular Prime Video series Mirzapur. The late actor played Usmaan in Ali Fazal-Pankaj Tripathi starrer. He was famous not only for his appearance in the web series but also in the theatre world. He was also a part of many Bollywood films like Lajja, Daur, Charas, and Black Friday, among others.
Team Bollywood Hungama offers heartfelt condolences to the family of Jitu Shastri.
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