It is a Koffee break for India’s most studied actor. It is now confirmed that Aamir Khan will be the only Khan superstar to make an appearance on Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan 7 this season. Says a source close to Karan, “Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are not on the show this season. But Aamir Khan who has a big release coming up (Laal Singh Chaddha) will make an appearance on Karan’s show with Kareena Kapoor Khan his co-star in Laal Singh Chaddha.”
Aamir and Kareena will discuss any and everything from their film together to their kids to their marriages. Says a source, “It’s a fun chat. Not just about their forthcoming film. Aamir and Kareena discuss their marriages, what works and what doesn’t in a marital relationship.”
Another star pair who is coming on the show is Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon. The segment has turned out to be more entertaining than expected.
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