Salman Khan is joining the NFT bandwagon, after megastar Amitabh Bachchan. The actor took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce that he will launch NFTs (non-fungible tokens) which are in partnership with BollyCoin. The NFTs will be launched in December 2021.
"Aa raha hoon main, NFTs leke. Salman Khan Static NFTs coming on @bollycoin. Stay tuned, bhai log! #BollyCoin #NFTs #ComingSoon", Salman tweeted.
Aa raha hoon main, NFTs leke. Salman Khan Static NFTs coming on @bollycoin. Stay tuned, bhai log! ????#BollyCoin #NFTs #ComingSoon
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) October 13, 2021
According to BollyCoin website, Digital collectibles from the Bollywood Industry will be auctioned through their platform, providing an innovative way for Bollywood enthusiasts from around the world to own NFTs of their favourite Bollywood films and celebrities. They aim to be the world’s largest Bollywood NFT marketplace, partnering with the biggest producers and celebrities in the industry to create iconic and exclusive one of a kind NFTs.
Earlier, Amitabh Bachchan announced that he will launch his own NFT collection.
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